This the Official WebProgramming page for the year 2008/2009.

In the first part of the course, we will focus on HTML Tagging language and its derivates. We will focus on the idea of web programming and the relevant tools to achieve the main goal of a full working and accessible web page, without cosmetic add-ons.

HTML 1 - environment, structures, tags, xHTML, head, body, common attributes, inline and blocklevel, div and span

HTML 2 - address, text tag, blockquote, sub and sup, lines and paragraphs, pre, colours, fonts, not ordered lists, ordered lists, nested lists

HTML 3 - tag a, id, name, images, tables, borders, alignment, margins

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Posted by valv`0 on 24/03/2009 - 19:53

XHTML - an introduction to good web programming, porting to xml, dtd

CSS 1 - CSS brief introduction, default browser stylesheet, internal stylesheet, external stylesheet, inline stylesheet, howto css, selectors, properties:values, class selector

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Posted by valv`0 on 24/03/2009 - 20:14

CSS 2 - combined selectors, the + selector, the child selector, universal selector, attribute selector, pseudo-class and dynamic pseudo-class, structured pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, ID selector, External StyleSheet, Internal StyleSheet, Inline StyleSheet

CSS 3 - CSS Properties: text, color, font-family, font-size, font-style, font-weight, font-variant, text-transform, text-decoration, text-align, vertical-align, letter-spacing, text-indent, line-height, shortcuts, line-sty-etype, ˜ist-style-image, links, The Box Model, Background, float elements, positioning,

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Posted by valv`0 on 31/03/2009 - 07:15

JavaScript 1 - an introduction to javascript, browser support, head section, body section, inline style, external javascript, variables, scoping, conditional statements, ifThenElse, switch, logical and binary operators, strings, alert box, confirm box, prompt box, functions, howto define a function, the return statement.

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Posted by valv`0 on 21/04/2009 - 02:15

JavaScript 2 - loops, for statement, do..while, break and continue, statement, events introduction, onLoad, onUnload, onFocus, onBlur, onChange, onSubmit, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, Catching the errors, try..catch statement, throw statement, onError event, Introduction to javascript OOP, classes and instances, public members and functions, private members, static members, privileged members, properties and methods, string object, the date object: manipulate the date, the array object, definig array, accessing arrays, modify values in array, the boolean object, the math object, the html DOM, borwser detection, what's a cookie, create and store a cookie, javascript form validation, the with() statement, DOM nodes, node hierarchy, find and access nodes: getElementByID, getElementsByTagName, nodeList, navigate node relationships, the root node, node generic properties, nodeType property, changing and HTML element, the style object,

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Posted by valv`0 on 21/05/2009 - 02:15

PHP 1 - L'ambiente Apache, uno sguardo all'installazione, servizi coinvolti, homePage e defaultSettings, interfaces binding, the personalWebPage, multiLanguage support, configurazione di apache, configurazione di PHP, uno sguardo a PHP, PHP: un linguaggio embedded, HTML dinamico, tecnologie lato client, tecnologie lato server, La cache, il PHP nelle pagine HTML, Istruzioni e blocchi, sintassi C-Like, gestione dei Commenti, Variabili, isSet, unSet, empty, variabili d'ambiente, scoping delle variabili, tipi di dati, conversone automatica, dynamic typing, tipi assegnati per contesto, i numeri, i booleani, le stringhe, regole di concatenamento, casting dinamico, le costanti, echo, print, operatori, ottimizziamo il codice, chop(), chunk_split(), ltrim(), rtrim(), trim(), ucFirst(), ucWords(), substr_replace(), substr(), strToUpper(), strToLower(), strLen(), leggere i campi dai forms, GET, POST

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Posted by valv`0 on 21/05/2009 - 02:15

PHP 2 - multiple selections with PHP, PHP array, accesing elements in PHP Array, associative arrays, multidimensional arrays, php array pointers, changing/adding/removing php array elements, looping through PHP array elements, replacing sections of an Array, sorting a PHP array, sorting associative array, opening and creating files in PHP, closing a file pointer, writing a file, fwrite(), fputs(), reading a file, fread(), fgets(), file(), checking whether a file exists, file_exists(), moving/copying/deleting, copy(), rename(), unlink(), accessing file attributes, stat(), fstat(), creating directories, mkdir(), deleting a directory, rmdir(), finding and changing the current working dir, listing files in a dir, PHP sessions, creating a PHP session, creating and reading a PHP session variable, writing PHP session data to file, reading a saved PHP session

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Posted by valv`0 on 21/05/2009 - 02:15

PHP 3 - PHP Objects, subClassing, defining a PHP Class: constructors and deconstructors, members, defining and calling methods, objects serialization

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Posted by valv`0 on 13/06/2009 - 16:15

AJAX - What's Ajax, Ajax Technologies, Ajax Standards, XMLHttpRequest, Ajax events, XMLHttpRequest methods, an implementation, handling data, responseText, get from XML, write to body, POST a text, samples

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Posted by valv`0 on 13/06/2009 - 16:15


Suggested books:

Beginning PHP and MySQL - Apress - ISBN: 1590595521.

Beginning Ajax with PHP - Apress - ISBN: 1590596676.

Beginning Javascript 3rd Edition - Wrox - ISBN: 0470051515.

Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming - Wrox - ISBN: 9780470251553.

Links and materials